It is sometimes necessary to redirect one URL to another. While doing this, you should know the best practices or at least check with an seo hero, keeping in mind that you do not want to lose any value from your SEO ranking. A redirect is an approach to send both clients and web crawlers to an alternate URL from the one they initially visited. A 301 redirect is a permanent redirection and passes 90% or more of the ranking power to the new page; 301 alludes to the HTTP status code for this kind of redirection. In many cases, the 301 redirect is the best technique for actualizing redirections on a site. There are numerous choices for doing this, however all in all, the 301 redirect is ideal for both clients and web crawler bots. Serving a 301 shows that the page has moved permanently. Search engines translate this to imply that has the page changed location, as well as the fact that the content can be found at the new location. The search engines will convey any SEO ranking from the first page to the new URL. A knowledgeable seo hero will tell you that while redirecting a page from one URL to the next, the web crawler bots will set aside some opportunity to find the 301, remember it, and acknowledge the new page for the rankings and trust of the previous. This procedure can be lengthier if web search tool arachnids seldom visit the given website or if the new URL doesn’t legitimately resolve. Please check with a seo hero if you have any questions.