When it comes to SEO, choosing the right keywords is one of the most important things to do. After all, these keywords are what users type on search engines when looking for a product or a service. If your SEO consultant can find the right keywords, use them on your site appropriately, and apply them on your off-page SEO campaign, it’s only a matter of time before your site begins to gain visibility in search engines.
One of the best SEO keyword tools to use is Google Keyword Planner. This tool allows you to look into the details of certain keywords such as number of searches and competition. It also provides suggestions on keywords based on what your niche is.
If you’d like to narrow your search, you can do an analysis by location. This lets you look into keywords used by your target area.
Once your SEO consultant has performed an SEO site checkup and identified the optimal keywords, he can proceed to on-page SEO. This is the process of optimizing your site by applying the keywords on the content.
Why optimize the content? Well, content is considered to be an important ranking factor. Search engines love informative and engaging content. By ensuring that your site’s content is compelling and has the right keywords, you are exercising one of the best practices for SEO. Make sure your SEO consultant doesn’t skip doing keyword research. It’s one of the keys to ranking for organic SEO.